Illegal argument to a regular expression. [ SELECT `catalog`.*, `users`.`vip`, `users`.`partner`, `catalog_tree_i18n`.`name` AS `type`, LTRIM( AS `name`, `resorts_i18n`.`name` AS `resort_name`, `catalog_comments`.`comments` FROM `catalog` JOIN `catalog_i18n` ON (`catalog`.`id` = `catalog_i18n`.`row_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`catalog`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`) JOIN `catalog_tree` ON (`catalog`.`parent_id` = `catalog_tree`.`id`) JOIN `catalog_tree_i18n` ON (`catalog_tree`.`id` = `catalog_tree_i18n`.`row_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT `catalog_id`, COUNT(catalog_comments.catalog_id) AS `comments` FROM `catalog_comments` GROUP BY `catalog_id`) AS `catalog_comments` ON (`catalog_comments`.`catalog_id` = `catalog`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `resorts` ON (`catalog`.`resort_id` = `resorts`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `resorts_i18n` ON (`resorts`.`id` = `resorts_i18n`.`row_id`) JOIN `catalog_specifications_values` ON (`catalog_specifications_values`.`catalog_id` = `catalog`.`id`) WHERE `catalog_i18n`.`language` = 'ru' AND `catalog_tree_i18n`.`language` = 'ru' AND `catalog`.`status` = 1 AND `catalog`.`resort_id` IN ('75', '66', '49') AND `catalog`.`resort_id` IN ('62', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '76', '108', '109', '110', '111', '112', '113', '114', '115', '116', '117', '118', '119', '120', '121', '122', '123', '125', '126', '127', '128', '129', '130', '131', '75', '48') AND (`catalog`.`specifications` RLIKE '[[:<:]]osivash[[:>:]]') GROUP BY `catalog`.`id`, `catalog_tree_i18n`.`name`, `catalog_i18n`.`name` ORDER BY CASE WHEN = 1 THEN 0 WHEN users.partner = 1 THEN -1 END DESC, `catalog`.`sort` ASC, `id` ASC LIMIT 24 OFFSET 0 ]